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RCMP Shooting...very close to home

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:21 am
by toughasnails
You hear about this stuff all the time and say not in my back yard. Well this happened a few hours away and is still on going. My heart goes out to the 3 officers families. Very sad day... ... ?hpt=hp_t1

Re: RCMP Shooting...very close to home

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:54 pm
by orphanlr
Sad, I expect this in Florida, but not in Canada.

I've rolled on numerous shootings lately, almost one a day for a month, with two officer involved shootings here in the last three weeks. Here though, the suspects died not the cops. Actually, I spent four hours working a shooting this morning, fortunately, the shooter/robber hit everything but the victims, hit the house, hit two cars, and though less than 6 feet away, missed two subjects completely. We are now the most violent city per capita in Florida.

Re: RCMP Shooting...very close to home

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:02 am
by toughasnails
This is something that just does not happen here. The first officer that was killed that day was not even working but was having a cookout when the call come out but since it was the next street over he jumped in his own car and went to check it out. He was shot in the back, he never seen the shooter come up behind him. What really ticked me off is that this was caught on a cel phone and posted on line and TV showing him being killed...THIS WAS NOT RIGHT. I know the one that shot the video tried to warn him that the shooter was coming up behind him but it was too late but they did not need to show the rest. In Canada we do things different...CNN can go to Hel......

Sorry but CNN really pi$$ed me off.

Re: RCMP Shooting...very close to home

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:58 am
by Shawn
toughasnails wrote:...CNN can go to Hel......

Sorry but CNN really pi$$ed me off.

Yet another reason I refuse to have cable TV....Every time I am at a place with public TV..McDonald's for example...They have CNN or Fox News on....They always do or say something incredibly offensive or stupid...